In order for you to successfully complete your CAS, you will need to:
complete one CAS project
address all CAS strands in your experiences and project(s):
3 x Creativity, 3 x Activity and 3 x Service
write SMART goals for all your experiences and project(s)
reflect meaningfully on all 7 learning outcomes at least twice throughout your CAS journey
The CAS programme formally begins at the start of the Diploma Programme and continues regularly, ideally on a weekly basis, for at least 18 months with a reasonable balance between creativity, activity, and service.
Your CAS coordinator will schedule three interviews with you to discuss the progress you have made and guide you towards meaningful experiences. The first interview takes place at the start of Grade 11, the second in May of Grade 11 (when you are expected to have finished the bulk of your CAS, especially your project), and in February/March of Grade 12 for the final interview.