Plastic pollution can be found almost everywhere in the world. Yet, there is very little data on the types, quantities, locations and journeys of the debris that litters our global waterways. So that we can optimize our global cleanup strategy, the Research Team is mapping how floating plastic is transported through rivers, and how it accumulates in oceans.
Mapping global plastic is a huge undertaking – and we need your help. As a Citizen Scientist you can help us collect data about this debris. It’s easy and can be done from almost anywhere using the The Ocean Cleanup Survey App. Contribute to our mission by providing us with valuable insight from your location.
Help us track plastic debris transport in rivers. Download The Ocean Cleanup Survey App, and go to your nearest canal, stream or river. Find a safe bridge on which to stand, then start counting objects floating by using the app on your smartphone or tablet. The data you collect and share with us helps refine our global river plastic transport models. It also helps us identify pollution hotspots that are best suited for the deployment of our cleanup efforts.